The 2024 session of the Legislature gaveled to a close just before 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 7th, marking another on-time adjournment for lawmakers. The preceding 60 days were a sprint, in which nearly 1,200 new bills were introduced and around 380 ultimately passed on to the Governor’s desk. Now, the Governor has twenty calendar days – not including Sundays – to either sign the bills into law or veto.
One of the big stories of the session was the introduction of six Republican-backed citizen initiatives that were certified to the Legislature: I-2081, a parental rights in public education proposal; I-2109, repealing the state's tax on capital gains; I-2111, prohibiting state and local governments from adopting an income tax; I-2113, regarding standards for police pursuit of suspects; I-2117, repealing the state's Climate Commitment Act (CCA); and I-2124, allowing opt-out of the state's long term care insurance program. Democratic leaders decided not to hear I-2109, I-2117, and I-2124, citing their fiscal impact on existing programs, and sent them directly to the voters this fall. Lawmakers ultimately passed the remaining three initiatives on police pursuits, income taxes, and parental rights by relatively large margins. As approved initiatives, they become law without action from the Governor. The Legislature may also amend these next session rather than waiting for two years if they were passed at the ballot.
The supplemental transportation budget adds $1 billion in new spending to last year’s plan, focusing on road maintenance, ferries and the removal of culverts for fish passage. Ferry funding needed by the Vashon Chamber was included. The SSCCLC also joined forces, once again, with our colleagues on the 167/509 Gateway Project Coalition to make sure full funding was restored in the budget for that project. An attempt was made to defer funding elsewhere and to rely on future toll revenue to fill in the gap. This would have resulted in less overall money being available for the project and jeopardized on-time completion. South Sound Senators from both parties worked together to help push an amendment restoring the original funding plan.
Workforce Training & Education
Although this was not one of the big “education sessions,” several key bill passed in this arena. HB 2331 (Rep. Monica Stonier, D-District 49) passed, which prohibits school districts, charter schools and tribal-sponsored schools from banning classroom or library materials that focus on a legally protected class. The bill also requires districts to set policies with minimum standards for challenges to instructional or supplemental materials. The Legislature also passed HB 2180 (Rep. Lisa Callan, D-District 5), which increases the K-12 special education enrollment funding cap from 15% to 16% and HB 2494 (Rep. Steve Bergquist, D-District 11), which increased the funding for school operating costs, materials and supplies per pupil.
Some bills that did not make it included SB 5850 (Sen. John Braun, R-District 20) which would have required districts to support and re-engage chronically absent from school. The bill stalledin the House Committee on Appropriations after passing the Senate. The controversial bill regulating on how schools could restrain students, HB 1479, (Rep. Lisa Callan, D-District 5) passed the House but could not make it out of the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education. HB 2239 (Rep. Joe Timmons, D-District 42) also made it out of the House but did not receive a hearing in the Senate even though the bill was watered down to only encourage school districts and public schools to provide instruction on skills that promote social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health and wellness.
Energy & Climate Change
Natural gas was one of key public policy issues this session, and HB 1589 (Rep. Beth Doglio, D-District 22) passed. The bill allows Puget Sound Energy to begin transitioning away from residential and commercial natural gas service in support of its decarbonization goals. The bill passed on narrow margins after considerable partisan debate and questions regarding Constitutional drafting errors in both the House and Senate. HB 2049, (Rep. Liz Berry, D-District 22), the extended producer responsibility that would have impacted packaging, failed yet again due to stakeholders unable to reach a negotiation over key parts of the bill. A “bottle bill” that would have created an Oregon style approach with bottle deposits and kiosks also failed.
General Business
Several big bills were introduced this year impacting employers. SB 5778 (Sen. Karen Keiser, D-District 33) banning "captive audience" meetings or requiring employees to attend meetings on certain issues such as politics and religion passed and is anticipated to be signed by the Governor. HB 2467 (Rep. Nicole Macri, D-District 43), allowing employees who move out-of-state to pay and use long term care insurance passed. SB 6069 (Sen. Mark Mullet, D-District 5) passed, creating a new “Washington Saves” IRA savings program, which when established will allow employees who work for employers who do not offer a 401K or other qualified employer-sponsored retirement benefit program to enroll and contribute to a state IRA plan or a retirement plan. A state board is being set up to oversee the plans and how the program will work.
One of the most controversial bills, HB 1893 (Rep. Beth Doglio, D-District 22), providing four weeks of unemployment insurance benefits to striking workers, ultimately died in the Senate. SB 5059 (Sen. Patty Kuderer, D-District 48), attempted to establish pre-judgment interest on tort judgments, running interest from the date a cause of action accrues rather than when a judgment is entered, also did not advance.
Public Safety
Besides the passage of I-2113 which right sized police pursuits, the Legislature also passed ESHB 2153 which establishes stronger penalties for stealing or selling catalytic converters. They also passed HB 1530 which expands eligibility for hiring police officers and prosecutors to help with staffing shortages. The budget included additional monies to help tie in retail theft reduction efforts with local treatment programs through community grants but efforts by both Rep. Stearns and Senator Keiser to allow a sales tax increase for local police forces did not make it through.
Affordable housing and housing assistance received money once again in the budget to help improve the overall supply of housing. The Legislature passed several bills to in attempts to lower costs and increase supply. The biggest bill to pass was Rep. Jessica Bateman’s (D-22) bill on middle housing. Among other things, HB 2321 changes minimum density requirements for residential lots within 0.25 miles walking distance of a major transit stop must be applied to any bus rapid transit stop under construction.
It limits the exemption from minimum density requirements for lots with critical areas or their buffers to that portion of a lot, parcel, or tract with a critical area or buffer except for critical aquifer recharge areas where a single-family detached house is an allowed use provided that any requirements to maintain aquifer recharge are met. Until June 30, 2026, any additional residential capacity required by lots, parcels, or tracts with critical areas or critical area buffers may not be considered an inconsistency with countywide planning policies, multicounty planning policies, or growth targets.
Lots created through the splitting of a single residential lot and areas designated as sole- source aquifers by the United States Environmental Protection Agency on islands in the Puget Sound are exempt from the middle housing and minimum density requirements.
A city with at least 25,000 population that is subject to minimum residential density requirements must allow at least six of the nine types of middle housing. A city with less than 25,000 population may choose the number of types of middle housing to allow to meet minimum residential density requirements. The four-unit limit in the definition of courtyard apartments is removed.
A city may not require more than one off-street parking space per unit for middle housing constructed on lots that are exactly 6,000 square feet before any zero lot line subdivisions or lot splits.
In applying objective development regulations to middle housing, fully planning cities may apply regulations related to set-back, lot coverage, stormwater, clearing, and tree canopy and retention requirements, and language related to compliance with existing ordinances intended to protect critical areas and public health and safety is removed.
Major controversy arose as Democratic legislators in the House passed HB 2114 a rent control bill. The bill died in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. Legislators also did not pass increases to the real estate excise tax.
The area of childcare and early learning will continue to be an annual discussion. This year the Legislature passed 2SHB 2124, which expands eligibility to participate in the Working Connections Childcare Connections (WCCC) to those families who have participated in the Birth to Three ECEAP or Early Head Start programs. It also included all certified child care providers, ECEAP and Birth to Three ECEAP providers, and Head Start and Early Head Start providers in the expanded WCCC program. In addition, HB 2111 by freshman legislator Greg Nance (D – Kitsap County) reorganized “subsidized childcare” statutes and expanded eligibility categories.
Health Care
Workforce was the theme for health care with both HB 1939, allowing social worker compacts across statelines and HB 1917 allowing compacts for physician assistants. Both of these bills make it easier to bring these professions into the state based other states who also have joined the compact. In addition, Senator Annette Cleveland (D – 49) passed SB 5986 which protects consumers from out of network charges for on the ground ambulance services.
Other Budgets
The supplemental operating, transportation, and capital budgets were negotiated and passed by the House and Senate in the final days of session. The final operating budget added $2.1 billion in new spending to last year’s $69.8 billion plan, with about half of the new spending going to inflationary increases, and half going to new projects in education, behavioral health care, public safety, and human services. The final supplemental capital budget funds an additional $1.3 billion in new projects around the state, with most of the extra funding going towards schools, behavioral health facility funding, and affordable housing projects.
Campaigns and Elections
One of the things the 2024 session brought were several announcements regarding legislators and statewide officials leaving their seats -- either to retire, or to run for another seat. We will have open seats in several statewide races – Governor, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, and Commissioner of Public Lands. Below we tried to capture the announced legislative moves.
Open Seats
• District 2 – House Pos. 2
o JT Wilcox (R - Former Minority Leader for the House)
• District 3 – House Pos.1
o Marcus Riccelli (D – running for Senate seat)
• District 3 – Senate Seat
o Andy Billig (D - Majority leader)
• District 5 – House Pos. 1
o Bill Ramos (D- running for senate seat)
• District 5 – Senate Seat
o Mark Mullet (D – running for Governor)
• District 7 – House Pos. 2
o Jacquelin Maycumber (R-running for 5th Congressional district)
• District 7 – House Pos. 2
o Joel Kretz (R)
• District 15 – House Position 1
o Bruce Chandler (R)
• District 17 – House Pos. 2
o Paul Harris (R – running for Senate Seat)
• District 17 – Senate Seat
o Lynda Wilson (R)
• District 18 – Senate Seat
o Ann Rivers (R)
• District 18 – House Position 1
o Greg Cheney (R – running for Senate Seat)
• District 20 – Senate Seat
o John Braun (R – Senate Minority leader)
• District 22 – House Pos. 2
o Jessica Bateman (D – running for senate seat)
• District 22 – Senate Seat
o Sam Hunt (D- Chair of State Government & Elections)
• District 24 – House Pos.1
o Mike Chapman (D-running for Senate seat)
• District 24 – Senate Seat
o Kevin Van De Wege (D –running for Public Lands Commissioner)
• District 25 – House Pos. 1
o Kelly Chambers (R – running for Pierce County Executive)
• District 26 – House Pos. 1
o Spencer Hutchins (R)
• District 33 – Senate Seat – not up for reelection, but someone will be appointed after the November election
o Karen Keiser (D- Chair of Labor and Commerce)
• District 43 – House Pos. 2
o Frank Chopp (D – former Speaker)
Note: the following are running for other offices, but their terms are not up until 2027.
• Sen. Patty Kuderer (D-District 48) – running for Insurance Commissioner
• Sen. Manka Dhingra (D-District 45) – running for Attorney General
• Sen. Emily Randall (D-District 26) – running for 6th Congressional District
• Sen. Rebecca Saldana (D-District 37) – running for Public Lands Commissioner
• Sen. Drew MacEwen (D-District 35) – running for 6th Congressional District
In addition, due to redrawn maps based on a March court ruling, a new 14th district was created near Yakima that has no incumbents and displaces several Republican lawmakers. Senator Curtis King, Rep. Gina Mosbrucker, Rep. Chris Corry, Senator Nikki Torres, and Senator Brad Hawkins were all redistricted out of seats they held. Rep. Chris Corry is in the newly drawn 15thdistrict and will run for Rep. Bruce Chandler’s open seat. Senator Brad Hawkins has moved back into the 12th to run for his current seat again. Senator Nikki Torres now lives in the 16th but will still represent the 15th as its Senator for two more years. Rep. Gina Mosbrucker is in the 17thnow. We have not heard if she will run for Rep. Paul Harris’ open seat. We are still waiting to hear Senator Curtis King’s plans. District lines have changes in several areas, including the 31stand the 5th districts that are both in the South Sound area. Enumclaw is now in the 5th rather than the 31st.
All of these changes will make the 2025 Legislature very different from the current one. The SSCCLC will need to be ready to make sure its voice stays strong.
Attached is the full list of bills the South Sound Chamber of Commerce Legislative Coalition tracked this session.
South Sound Chamber of Commerce Legislative Coalition Final 2024 BillReport
Bills That Passed
Bill # |
Abbrev. Title |
Short Description |
Status |
Sponsor |
Priority |
Position |
Occupancy limits |
Addressing the authority of owners' associations in common interest communities to regulate or limit occupancy by unrelated persons. |
C 139 L 24 |
Walen |
Medium |
Support |
Dual credit program notice |
Notifying high school students and their families about available dual credit programs and any available financial assistance. |
C 44 L 24 |
Paul |
Low |
Educator ethics & complaints |
Establishing a simple and uniform system for complaints related to, and instituting a code of educator ethics for, conduct within or involving public elementary and secondary schools. |
C 219 L 24 |
Santos |
Low |
Paraeducator course of study |
Establishing rules to improve the consistency and quality of the implementation of the fundamental courses of study for paraeducators. |
C 173 L 24 |
Donaghy |
Low |
2ESHB 1282(SSB 5322) |
Public building materials |
Requiring environmental and labor reporting for public building construction and renovation material. |
C 344 L 24 |
Duerr |
Medium |
Oppose |
Continuing education/K-12 |
Posting of approved courses and providers of continuing education. |
C 221 L 24 |
Santos |
Medium |
2ESHB 1508(SB 5519) |
Health care cost board |
Improving consumer affordability through the health care cost transparency board. |
C 80 L 24 |
Macri |
Medium |
Concerns |
Law enf. employ. eligibility |
Expanding eligibility for employment of certain law enforcement and prosecutor office positions. |
C 11 L 24 |
Cortes |
Medium |
Support |
2E2SHB 1541(SB 5616) |
Lived experience |
Establishing the nothing about us without us act. |
C 283 L 24 |
Farivar |
Monitoring |
ESHB 1589(SSB 5562) |
Clean energy |
Supporting Washington's clean energy economy and transitioning to a clean, affordable, and reliable energy future. |
C 351 L 24 |
Doglio |
High |
Local comm. federal funding |
Promoting economic development by increasing opportunities for local communities to secure federal funding. |
C 223 L 24 |
Barnard |
Monitoring |
HB 1890 (SB 5807) |
Housing authorities |
Concerning housing authorities. |
C 12 L 24 |
Alvarado |
Monitoring |
Workforce housing prg. |
Concerning the workforce housing accelerator program. |
C 142 L 24 |
Leavitt |
Monitoring |
HB 1895 (SB 5839) |
Working families' tax credit |
Modifying the working families' tax credit by clarifying the refundable nature of the credit, the application requirements, and the eligibility verification process. |
C 3 L 24 |
Thai |
Monitoring |
Unempl. benefit charging |
Concerning unemployment insurance benefit charging. |
C 51 L 24 |
Schmidt |
Medium |
Support |
Unempl. voluntary program |
Removing the sunset on changes to the unemployment insurance voluntary contribution program. |
C 52 L 24 |
Springer |
Medium |
Support |
SHB 1905(SSB 5894) |
Equal pay/protected classes |
Including protected classes in the Washington equal pay and opportunities act. |
C 353 L 24 |
Mena |
Medium |
Concerns |
Physician assistant compact |
Adopting the physician assistant compact. |
C 53 L 24 |
Leavitt |
Medium |
Support |
HB 1927 (SB 5932) |
Temporary total disability |
Reducing the number of days that a worker's temporary total disability must continue to receive industrial insurance compensation for the day of an injury and the three-day period following the injury. |
C 144 L 24 |
Bronoske |
Monitoring |
Oppose |
2SHB 1929(SB 6050) |
Postinpatient housing |
Supporting young adults following inpatient behavioral health treatment. |
C 175 L 24 |
Cortes |
Medium |
Support |
Social work compact |
Adopting the social work licensure compact. |
C 176 L 24 |
Orwall |
Medium |
Support |
HB 1975 (SB 6028) |
Unemployment overpayments |
Relieving individuals from paying interest on certain unemployment insurance overpayment assessments. |
C 8 L 24 |
Ortiz-Self |
Medium |
Concerns |
Public facilities tax use |
Concerning the use of moneys from the rural public facilities sales and use tax for affordable workforce housing infrastructure and facilities. |
C 58 L 24 |
Low |
Monitoring |
Rental housing/nonprofits |
Concerning eligibility for a property tax exemption for nonprofits providing affordable rental housing built with city and county funds. |
C 113 L 24 |
Street |
Monitoring |
Env. & land use appeals |
Modifying the appeals process for environmental and land use matters. |
C 347 L 24 |
Fitzgibbon |
Monitoring |
Voter-approved property tax |
Standardizing limitations on voter-approved property tax levies. |
C 114 L 24 |
Duerr |
Monitoring |
Residential housing |
Concerning residential housing regulations. |
C 183 L 24 |
Duerr |
Monitoring |
SHB 2102 (SB 6177) |
PFML benefits/health info. |
Establishing requirements for the disclosure of health care information for qualifying persons to receive paid family and medical leave benefits. |
C 150 L 24 |
Berry |
Medium |
Concerns |
HB 2111 (SB 5941) |
Subsidized child care |
Clarifying requirements for subsidized child care. |
C 67 L 24 |
Nance |
Monitoring |
HI 2113 (SI 2113) |
Police vehicular pursuits |
Concerning vehicular pursuits by peace officers. |
C 6 L 24 |
High |
Child care prg. eligibility |
Supporting and expanding access to child care and early learning programs. |
C 282 L 24 |
Eslick |
Monitoring |
ESHB 2134(SSB 5947) |
Transportation budget, supp. |
Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium. |
C 310 L 24 |
Fey |
Monitoring |
HB 2137 (SB 6202) |
Tourism promotion exemptions |
Concerning technical changes to allowable exemptions for tourism promotion area assessments. |
C 68 L 24 |
Berg |
Monitoring |
Catalytic converter theft |
Deterring the theft of catalytic converters. |
C 301 L 24 |
Ryu |
High |
SHB 2180 (SB 6014) |
Special education cap |
Increasing the special education enrollment funding cap. |
C 229 L 24 |
Callan |
Medium |
CCA tax exemptions |
Creating business and occupation and public utility tax exemptions for certain amounts received as the result of receipt, generation, purchase, sale, transfer, or retirement of allowances, offset credits, or price ceiling units under the climate commitment act. |
C 115 L 24 |
Orcutt |
Monitoring |
2SHB 2214(SSB 6300) |
College grant/public assist. |
Permitting beneficiaries of public assistance programs to automatically qualify as income-eligible for the purpose of receiving the Washington college grant. |
C 116 L 24 |
Slatter |
Medium |
Support |
Tech. ed. core plus programs |
Expanding and strengthening career and technical education core plus programs. |
C 234 L 24 |
Shavers |
Medium |
Neutral |
SHB 2296(SSB 6150) |
Comprehensive plan revisions |
Extending the comprehensive plan revision schedule for select local governments. |
C 17 L 24 |
Griffey |
Monitoring |
Main street tax credits |
Allowing main street programs to use remaining main street tax credits after a certain date. |
C 93 L 24 |
Steele |
Monitoring |
2SHB 2320(SSB 6220) |
High THC cannabis products |
Concerning high THC cannabis products. |
C 360 L 24 |
Davis |
Monitoring |
Middle housing requirements |
Modifying middle housing requirements and the definitions of transit stop. |
C 152 L 24 |
Bateman |
Monitoring |
Insurance market/housing |
Conducting a study of the insurance market for housing providers receiving housing trust fund resources. |
C 74 L 24 |
Macri |
Monitoring |
E2SHB 2354(SB 6230) |
Tax increment areas |
Creating an option for impacted taxing districts to provide a portion of their new revenue to support any tax increment area proposed within their jurisdiction. |
C 236 L 24 |
Street |
Monitoring |
Senior property tax ex./ADUs |
Including an accessory dwelling unit under property that qualifies for the senior citizens property tax exemption. |
C 119 L 24 |
Goehner |
Monitoring |
Sales and use tax sharing |
Allowing cities to voluntarily share certain sales and use tax revenue. |
C 95 L 24 |
Klicker |
Monitoring |
College in the HS fees |
Establishing a pilot program eliminating college in the high school fees for private not-for-profit four-year institutions. |
C 240 L 24 |
Corry |
Medium |
Support |
LTSS trust access |
Increasing access to the long-term services and supports trust. |
C 120 L 24 |
Macri |
Monitoring |
ESHB 2482(SB 6137) |
Semiconductor tax incentives |
Reinstating semiconductor tax incentives. |
C 261 L 24 |
Harris |
High |
Support |
School operating costs |
Increases the allocations for materials, supplies and operating costs to cover inflationary cost increases. The MSOC per pupil amounts defined in state prototypical formulas are updated in statute to the 2023-24 school year and include a $21 per pupil increase, from $1,483.44 to $1,504.44 per pupil. The increase must be used to address growing costs in the enumerated categories. The $25 per pupil increase provided for technology in 2022-23 is updated in statute. The new 2023-24 general education MSOC per pupil amounts by category are: ⢠$178.98 for technology; ⢠$430.26 for utilities and insurance; ⢠$164.48 for curriculum and textbooks; ⢠$326.54 for other supplies; ⢠$22.65 for library materials; ⢠$28.94 for instructional professional development for certified and classified staff; ⢠$206.22 for facilities maintenance; and ⢠$146.37 for security and central office. |
C 262 L 24 |
Bergquist |
Medium |
Out-of-state teachers |
Adopting the interstate teacher mobility compact. |
C 317 L 24 |
Hunt |
Medium |
Support |
Mental health sentencing alt |
Concerning the mental health sentencing alternative. |
C 373 L 24 |
Nobles |
Monitoring |
Running start/rising juniors |
Permitting 10th grade students to participate in running start in online settings. |
C 159 L 24 |
Hawkins |
Monitoring |
ESSB 5778(SHB 1940) |
Employer political speech |
Protecting the rights of workers to refrain from attending meetings or listening to their employer's speech on political or religious matters. |
C 357 L 24 |
Keiser |
High |
Oppose |
Multiunit res./definition |
Concerning the definition of multiunit residential buildings. |
C 122 L 24 |
Padden |
Monitoring |
ESSB 5793(SHB 1991) |
Paid sick leave |
Concerning paid sick leave. |
C 356 L 24 |
Saldana |
Medium |
Oppose |
Urban growth areas |
Concerning urban growth areas. |
C 26 L 24 |
Short |
Monitoring |
E2SSB 5838(2SHB 1934) |
AI task force |
Establishing an artificial intelligence task force. |
C 163 L 24 |
Nguyen |
High |
SB 5897 (HB 1894) |
Business licensing service |
Modifying provisions of the business licensing service program. |
C 270 L 24 |
Mullet |
Medium |
Support |
E2SSB 5955(HB 2103) |
Large port districts |
Mitigating harm and improving equity in large port districts. |
C 194 L 24 |
Keiser |
Monitoring |
WISHA violation timeline |
Concerning the timeline for issuing a citation for a violation of the Washington industrial safety and health act. |
C 40 L 24 |
Keiser |
Medium |
Support |
SSB 5986 (HB 2285) |
Out-of-network health costs |
Protecting consumers from out-of-network health care services charges. |
C 218 L 24 |
Cleveland |
Medium |
Support |
Residential parking |
Concerning residential parking configurations. |
C 274 L 24 |
Shewmake |
Medium |
Support |
SSB 6053 (HB 2443) |
Education data sharing |
Improving equitable access to postsecondary education. |
C 324 L 24 |
Holy |
Medium |
ESSB 6069(HB 2244) |
Retirement savings |
Improving retirement security for Washingtonians by establishing Washington saves, an automatic enrollment individual retirement savings account program, and updating the Washington retirement marketplace statute. |
C 327 L 24 |
Mullet |
High |
SB 6080 (HB 1896) |
Tourism marketing funding |
Simplifying the funding provisions of the statewide tourism marketing account. |
C 130 L 24 |
Boehnke |
High |
Support |
E2SSB 6175(2SHB 2308) |
Existing structures/tax |
Concerning housing affordability tax incentives for existing structures. |
C 332 L 24 |
Trudeau |
Monitoring |
ESSB 6291(SHB 2465) |
State building code council |
Streamlining the state building code council operating procedures by establishing criteria for statewide amendments to the state building code. |
C 170 L 24 |
Wilson |
Medium |
Support |
Bills That Died
Bill # |
Abbrev. Title |
Short Description |
Status |
Sponsor |
Priority |
Position |
HB 1005(Dead) |
Military/employer tax incen. |
Concerning employer tax incentives for the support of veterans and military families. |
H Rules C |
Abbarno |
Monitoring |
2SHB 1025(Dead) |
Police/private actions |
Creating a private right of action for harm from violations of the state Constitution or state law by peace officers. |
H Civil R & Judi |
Thai |
Monitoring |
SHB 1026(Dead) |
Local gov. design review |
Concerning local government design review. |
H Housing |
Walen |
High |
Support |
HB 1052(Dead) |
Nonprofit housing/tax ex. |
Providing a property tax exemption for qualified real and personal property owned or used by a nonprofit entity in providing qualified housing funded in whole or part through a local real estate excise tax. |
H Rules 3C |
Ramel |
Medium |
SHB 1067(Dead) |
High-hazard facility wages |
Concerning wages for journeypersons in high-hazard facilities. |
H Rules X |
Bronoske |
High |
Oppose |
SHB 1124(Dead) |
Residential rent and fees |
Protecting tenants from excessive rent and related fees by providing at least six months' notice for rent increases over a certain amount, allowing tenants the right to terminate a tenancy without penalty, and limiting late fees. |
H Rules X |
Peterson |
High |
Concerns |
2SHB 1131(Dead) (SSB 5154) |
Solid waste management |
Improving Washington's solid waste management outcomes. |
H Rules X |
Berry |
High |
Concerns |
SHB 1133(Dead) (SB 5357) |
Detached ADUs |
Establishing limitations on detached accessory dwelling units outside urban growth areas. |
H Housing |
Chapman |
High |
Support |
HB 1135(Dead) (SB 5452) |
Impact fee use |
Authorizing impact fee revenue to fund improvements to bicycle and pedestrian facilities. |
H Rules X |
Slatter |
Medium |
Oppose |
SHB 1136(Dead) |
Employee expenditures |
Requiring employers to reimburse employees for necessary expenditures and losses. |
H Rules X |
Reeves |
Medium |
Neutral |
SHB 1140(Dead) (ESSB 5187) |
Operating budget |
Making 2023-2025 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. |
H Rules X |
Ormsby |
Monitoring |
SHB 1147(Dead) (ESSB 5200) |
Capital budget |
Concerning the capital budget. |
H Rules X |
Tharinger |
Monitoring |
E2SHB 1167 (Dead) |
Residential housing |
Concerning residential housing regulations. |
H Housing |
Duerr |
High |
Support |
HB 1191(Dead) (SB 5166) |
Cooperative finance org. B&O |
Reauthorizing the business and occupation tax deduction for cooperative finance organizations. |
H Rules X |
Springer |
Monitoring |
SHB 1192(Dead) (SSB 5165) |
Electric transm. planning |
Concerning electric power system transmission planning. |
H Rules X |
Duerr |
High |
Support |
HB 1193(Dead) |
Greenhouse gas/building code |
Affirming that the legislature has not provided authority for the state building code council to use greenhouse gas emissions as a consideration in residential building codes or energy codes. |
H Env & Energy |
Dye |
High |
Support |
SHB 1231(Dead) (SSB 5229) |
Site readiness grants |
Accelerating rural job growth and promoting economic recovery across Washington through site readiness grants. |
H Rules X |
Berg |
Monitoring |
HB 1244(Dead) (SB 5692) |
Enrichment levy authority |
Increasing the maximum per pupil limit for enrichment levy authority. |
H Rules X |
Ramel |
Medium |
Neutral |
ESHB 1245(Dead) (SSB 5364) |
Lot splitting |
Increasing housing options through lot splitting. |
H Rules 3C |
Barkis |
High |
Support |
HB 1252(Dead) |
Impact fee deferrals |
Concerning impact fee deferrals. |
H Housing |
Bateman |
Medium |
Support |
ESHB 1304(Dead) |
Electric security alarms |
Regulating electric security alarm systems. |
H Rules 3C |
Hackney |
Monitoring |
2SHB 1305(Dead) |
Students with disabilities |
Improving access to and provision of a free appropriate public education for students with disabilities. |
H Rules X |
Pollet |
Monitoring |
E2SHB 1320 (Dead) (SSB 5061) |
Personnel records |
Concerning access to personnel records. |
H Rules X |
Reed |
High |
Oppose |
3SHB 1338(Dead) |
DOC ed. and vocational prgs. |
Concerning education and vocational programs in state correctional institutions. |
H Rules X |
Reeves |
Medium |
Support |
SHB 1351(Dead) (SB 5456) |
Minimum parking requirements |
Prohibiting the imposition of minimum parking requirements except under certain circumstances. |
H Local Govt |
Reed |
Medium |
Neutral |
SHB 1363(Dead) (ESB 5352) |
Vehicular pursuits |
Concerning vehicular pursuits. |
H Rules X |
Rule |
High |
Support |
HB 1367(Dead) |
Homeless funding |
Eliminating unnecessary homeless funding budget and auditing requirements. |
H Rules X |
Donaghy |
Monitoring |
2ESHB 1371 (Dead) (SSB 5494) |
Freight railroad infra. |
Providing incentives to improve freight railroad infrastructure. |
H Rules 3C |
Barkis |
Medium |
ESHB 1387(Dead) |
Law enf. applicant pool |
Requiring the criminal justice training commission to establish a program to recruit and train a pool of applicants who may be employed by certain law enforcement agencies in the state. |
H Community Safet |
Ramos |
Monitoring |
2SHB 1389(Dead) (SB 5435) |
Residential rent increases |
Concerning residential rent increases under the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act. |
H Rules X |
Ramel |
Medium |
Oppose |
2SHB 1391(Dead) |
Energy in buildings |
Concerning energy in buildings. |
H Rules 3C |
Ramel |
Low |
Concerns |
HB 1401(Dead) |
Housing permit process |
Allowing cities and counties to create a simple, standardized housing permit process for affordable housing units in areas designated for housing. |
H Housing |
Jacobsen |
High |
Support |
E2SHB 1433 (Dead) |
Energy labeling/residential |
Concerning energy labeling of residential buildings. |
H 3rd Reading |
Duerr |
Low |
Oppose |
SHB 1449(Dead) |
Project permits/reports |
Amending reporting requirements for the project permit application processing timeline. |
H Rules X |
Alvarado |
High |
Support |
EHB 1468(Dead) |
Impact fee deferrals |
Concerning impact fee deferrals. |
H Rules 3C |
Goehner |
High |
Support |
E4SHB 1479 (Dead) (SB 5559) |
Student restraint, isolation |
Concerning restraint or isolation of students in public schools and educational programs. |
H Rules 3C |
Callan |
Medium |
2SHB 1492(Dead) |
State v. Blake relief |
Providing relief for persons affected by State v. Blake. |
H Rules X |
Simmons |
High |
Concerns |
ESHB 1510(Dead) |
Community preservation auth. |
Establishing permanent funding for community preservation and development authorities approved through RCW 43.167.060. |
H Rules 3C |
Santos |
Monitoring |
HB 1519(Dead) |
Local project review |
Concerning local project review. |
H Rules X |
Barkis |
High |
Support |
ESHB 1547(Dead) |
Out-of-state health prov. |
Increasing the health care workforce by authorizing out-of-state providers to practice immediately. |
H HC/Wellness |
Caldier |
Medium |
Support |
ESHB 1554(Dead) |
Lead impacts |
Reducing public health and environmental impacts from lead. |
H Rules X |
Doglio |
Monitoring |
3SHB 1565(Dead) |
Prof. education workforce |
Supporting and strengthening the professional education workforce. |
H Rules X |
Ortiz-Self |
Low |
HB 1574(Dead) |
Methane/agriculture |
Supporting Washington agriculture by capturing methane and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. |
H Approps |
Rule |
Medium |
Support |
3SHB 1579(Dead) |
Independent prosecutions |
Establishing a mechanism for independent prosecutions within the office of the attorney general of criminal conduct arising from police use of force. |
H Rules 3C |
Stonier |
Monitoring |
HB 1585(Dead) |
Local infra. project areas |
Addressing local infrastructure project areas. |
H Finance |
Cortes |
Monitoring |
2SHB 1586(Dead) |
Vehicular pursuits work grp. |
Requiring the criminal justice training commission to establish a work group and grant program related to vehicular pursuits. |
H Rules X |
Goodman |
High |
Support |
SHB 1596(Dead) |
Affordable housing incentive |
Providing local governments with options to increase affordable housing in their communities. |
H Finance |
Kloba |
High |
2SHB 1628(Dead) |
Real estate excise tax |
Increasing the supply of affordable housing by modifying the state and local real estate excise tax. |
H Rules X |
Chopp |
High |
Oppose |
HB 1670(Dead) |
Property tax limit factor |
Changes the 101 percent revenue growth limit for local property taxes to 100 percent plus population changes and inflation, with a capped limit of 103 percent. |
H Rules X |
Ormsby |
High |
SHB 1709(Dead) (ESSB 5301) |
Commerce housing programs |
Concerning housing programs administered by the department of commerce. |
H Rules X |
Tharinger |
High |
HB 1716(Dead) |
Child care B&O credit |
Supporting employers providing child care assistance to employees by establishing a business and occupation tax credit for businesses and requiring the department of revenue to provide a report to the legislature. |
H Finance |
Rule |
High |
Support |
SHB 1729(Dead) |
Hydrogen fuel products |
Creating and expanding tax incentives for the research, development, production, and sale of hydrogen fuel products in Washington state. |
H Rules X |
Abbarno |
High |
2SHB 1746(Dead) (SB 5718) |
State broadband map |
Concerning a state broadband map. |
H Rules X |
Ryu |
Medium |
SHB 1761(Dead) |
Property tax exemption |
Increasing the personal property tax exemption. |
H Rules X |
Christian |
Medium |
Support |
HB 1871(Dead) |
Ferry empl./COVID-19 vaccine |
Concerning the Washington state ferries' treatment of employees and applicants without consideration of COVID-19 vaccines. |
H Transportation |
Walsh |
Monitoring |
HB 1872(Dead) |
Homeless housing grants |
Establishing accountability requirements for homeless housing grant programs. |
H Approps |
Graham |
Monitoring |
HB 1882(Dead) (SSB 5723) |
Even-numbered year elections |
Giving cities and towns the freedom to switch their general elections to even-numbered years. |
H State Govt & T |
Farivar |
Monitoring |
ESHB 1893(Dead) (SB 5777) |
Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts |
Concerning unemployment insurance benefits for striking or lockout workers. |
H Rules 3C |
Doglio |
High |
Oppose |
HB 1894(Dead) (SB 5897) |
Business licensing service |
Modifying provisions of the business licensing service program. |
H Rules X |
Walen |
Medium |
Support |
HB 1896(Dead) (SB 6080) |
Tourism marketing funding |
Simplifying the funding provisions of the statewide tourism marketing account. |
H Rules X |
Ryu |
Monitoring |
HB 1897(Dead) (SSB 5809) |
Charter schools/enrichment |
Concerning enrichment funding for charter public schools. |
H Approps |
Springer |
Medium |
Support |
HB 1904(Dead) |
Hybrid electric ferries |
Using climate commitment act revenues to pay for hybrid electric ferries. |
H Approps |
Walsh |
Monitoring |
SHB 1914(Dead) |
Special education services |
Improving the education of students with varying abilities by enhancing special education services. |
H Approps |
Couture |
Medium |
SHB 1915(Dead) (SB 5819) |
Financial education |
Requires school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools to provide students with access to no less than one-half credit of FEI beginning in or before the 2027-28 school year. Directs the Financial Education Public-Private Partnership to review specified financial education information submitted by school districts and create a statewide implementation plan for financial education requirements by September 30, 2026. |
H Rules 3C |
Rude |
Medium |
Support |
ESHB 1932(Dead) |
Even-numbered year elections |
Shifting general elections for local governments to even-numbered years to increase voter participation. |
H Rules 3C |
Gregerson |
Monitoring |
2SHB 1934(Dead) (E2SSB 5838) |
AI task force |
Establishing an artificial intelligence task force. |
H Rules X |
Couture |
High |
SHB 1940(Dead) (ESSB 5778) |
Employer political speech |
Protecting the rights of workers to refrain from attending meetings or listening to their employer's speech on political or religious matters. |
H Rules X |
Fosse |
High |
Oppose |
HB 1944(Dead) |
Running start for the trades |
Establishing a running start for the trades grant program. |
H Education |
Orwall |
Medium |
Support |
SHB 1959(Dead) |
PFML/small employers |
Extending parts of the paid family and medical leave program to employers with fewer than 50 employees. |
H Approps |
Walen |
High |
Oppose |
HB 1966(Dead) |
Manufacturing machinery/REET |
Exempting manufacturing machinery and equipment from real estate excise tax. |
H Finance |
Walen |
High |
Support |
SHB 1991(Dead) (ESSB 5793) |
Paid sick leave |
Concerning paid sick leave. |
H Rules X |
Fosse |
Medium |
Oppose |
SHB 2008(Dead) |
Housing cost task force |
Creating a task force on housing cost driver analysis. |
H Approps |
Klicker |
Monitoring |
SHB 2026(Dead) |
Rental income/property tax |
Concerning rental income received by people eligible for certain property tax exemption programs. |
H Rules X |
Doglio |
Monitoring |
HB 2031(Dead) |
PTSD/coroners & examiners |
Recognizing posttraumatic stress disorder as an occupational disease for county coroners, examiners, and investigative personnel. |
H Rules 3C |
Abbarno |
Medium |
Oppose |
HB 2035(Dead) |
Work restrictions/age 16, 17 |
Concerning restrictions on the working conditions and hours of sixteen- and seventeen-year olds. |
H Labor & Workpl |
McClintock |
Medium |
Support |
HB 2051(Dead) |
Small off-road engines |
Reducing emissions from small off-road engines. |
H Env & Energy |
Walen |
Medium |
Concerns |
HB 2063(Dead) |
Homebuyers/REET exemption |
Providing an exemption from the real estate excise tax for transfers of property to qualifying low-income first-time homebuyers. |
H Finance |
Wylie |
Monitoring |
HB 2064(Dead) |
Homebuyers/REET exemption |
Providing for an exemption from the real estate excise tax for transfers of property to qualifying low-income first-time homebuyers. |
H Finance |
Wylie |
Monitoring |
HB 2066(Dead) (SB 5948) |
Health provider contracting |
Addressing affordability through health care provider contracting. |
H HC/Wellness |
Riccelli |
Monitoring |
SHB 2070(Dead) (SB 5990) |
Env. justice/SEPA projects |
Integrating environmental justice considerations into certain project decisions. |
H Approps |
Mena |
Monitoring |
HB 2074(Dead) (SB 6260) |
Landowner's lessee/penalties |
Limiting the application of certain civil penalties to protect landowners from incurring penalties based on the actions of the landowner's lessee. |
H Rules 3C |
Dye |
Monitoring |
SHB 2081(Dead) (ESSB 5968) |
Home equity sharing |
Regulating home equity sharing agreements under the consumer loan act. |
H Rules X |
Hackney |
Monitoring |
HB 2087(Dead) |
Apprenticeship objections |
Concerning objections to apprenticeship programs. |
H Labor & Workpl |
Schmidt |
High |
Support |
HB 2101(Dead) |
Child care licensing fees |
Eliminating child care licensing fees. |
H Approps |
Rule |
Monitoring |
HB 2103(Dead) (E2SSB 5955) |
Large port districts |
Mitigating harm and improving equity in large port districts. |
H Local Govt |
Orwall |
Monitoring |
SI 2109(Dead) (HI 2109) |
Capital gains tax repeal |
Concerning taxes on long-term capital assets. |
S Ways & Means |
High |
HI 2109(Dead) (SI 2109) |
Capital gains tax repeal |
Concerning taxes on long-term capital assets. |
H Finance |
High |
2SHB 2113(Dead) |
GMA housing element |
Concerning compliance with the housing element requirements of the growth management act. |
H Rules X |
Bateman |
Monitoring |
ESHB 2114(Dead) (SB 5961) |
Residential tenants |
Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement. |
H Rules 3C |
Alvarado |
High |
Oppose |
SHB 2130(Dead) |
Special education services |
Extends the provision of special education and related services to students with disabilities until the end of the school year in which the students turn age 22, or high school graduation, whichever occurs first. Requires specified state agencies to collaborate to develop an implementation plan for extending special education services |
H Approps |
Pollet |
Medium |
HB 2140(Dead) |
Adverse possession |
Modifying laws related to adverse possession to protect legal owners of property. |
H Civil R & Judi |
Griffey |
Monitoring |
HB 2141(Dead) |
Housing in unincorp. areas |
Promoting affordable housing in unincorporated areas within urban growth areas of large counties. |
H Finance |
Donaghy |
Monitoring |
HB 2149(Dead) |
Consumer personal info. |
Protecting consumer personal information. |
H ConsPro&Bus |
Reeves |
Monitoring |
HB 2158(Dead) |
Urban growth area boundaries |
Expanding urban growth area boundaries for residential development. |
H Housing |
Connors |
Monitoring |
E2SHB 2160 (Dead) (SB 6024) |
Housing development |
Promoting community and transit-oriented housing development. |
H Rules 3C |
Reed |
Monitoring |
HB 2168(Dead) (SB 5991) |
Industrial insurance/duties |
Concerning the duties of industrial insurance self-insured employers and third-party administrators. |
H Labor & Workpl |
Alvarado |
Medium |
Concerns |
HB 2174(Dead) |
Funded special education |
Concerning funded special education enrollment. |
H Education |
Pollet |
Medium |
HB 2175(Dead) |
Special education limits |
Removing the enrollment limit for special education funding. |
H Approps |
Caldier |
Medium |
HB 2211(Dead) (SB 6076) |
Criminal justice local tax |
Granting local taxing authority to fund criminal justice. |
H Local Govt |
Stearns |
Monitoring |
HB 2219(Dead) |
Affordable housing/tax ex. |
Providing tax relief for nonprofit development of affordable housing. |
H Finance |
Hackney |
Monitoring |
HB 2228(Dead) |
Middle housing density |
Decreasing the minimum density requirements for middle housing. |
H Housing |
Christian |
Monitoring |
HB 2231(Dead) |
Law enforcement funding |
Incentivizing cities and counties to attract and retain commissioned law enforcement officers. |
H Local Govt |
Walen |
Monitoring |
HB 2244(Dead) (ESSB 6069) |
Retirement savings |
Improving retirement security for Washingtonians by establishing Washington saves, an automatic enrollment individual retirement savings account program, and updating the Washington retirement marketplace statute. |
H ConsPro&Bus |
Reeves |
High |
Concerns |
2SHB 2270(Dead) |
Department of housing |
Creating a Washington state department of housing. |
H Rules 3C |
Morgan |
Monitoring |
SHB 2271(Dead) |
LTSS program statements |
Promoting access to information regarding the long-term services and supports trust program. |
H Rules 3C |
Chambers |
Medium |
Neutral |
HB 2272(Dead) |
LTSS commission recs. |
Addressing recommendations of the long-term services and supports trust commission by increasing access to benefits, establishing a voluntary private market supplemental long-term care insurance option, creating a pilot project to assess the long-term services and supports trust program, and making operational changes to streamline and enhance fairness in the administration of the long-term services and supports trust program. |
H HC/Wellness |
Macri |
Medium |
Neutral |
SHB 2276(Dead) (SB 6191) |
Housing/taxes |
Increasing the supply of affordable and workforce housing. |
H Rules R |
Berg |
Medium |
Oppose |
HB 2278(Dead) (SB 6248) |
Capital gains tax |
Modifying the capital gains tax under chapter 82.87 RCW and related statutes by closing loopholes, repealing and replacing the business and occupation tax credit with a capital gains tax credit, clarifying ambiguities and making technical corrections in a manner that is not estimated to affect state or local tax collections, treating spouses and domestic partners more consistently, modifying and adding definitions, creating a good faith penalty waiver, and modifying the publication schedule for inflation adjustments. |
H Finance |
Thai |
Monitoring |
HB 2285(Dead) (SSB 5986) |
Out-of-network health costs |
Protecting consumers from out-of-network health care services charges. |
H HC/Wellness |
Riccelli |
Medium |
Support |
2SHB 2308(Dead) (E2SSB 6175) |
Existing structures/housing |
Concerning housing affordability tax incentives for existing structures. |
H Rules X |
Walen |
Monitoring |
SHB 2322(Dead) |
Child care/tax preferences |
Creating a tax preference child care requirement. |
H Rules X |
Senn |
High |
Oppose |
HB 2323(Dead) (SB 6212) |
Rent payments/credit reports |
Requiring landlords to report on-time rent payments to consumer reporting agencies. |
H Rules X |
Peterson |
Monitoring |
HB 2345(Dead) |
Landlord-tenant task force |
Preparing for revisions to the residential landlord-tenant act. |
H Housing |
Barkis |
Monitoring |
HB 2349(Dead) (SB 6241) |
Job posting wage disclosures |
Strengthening pay transparency requirements. |
H Labor & Workpl |
Stonier |
Medium |
Support |
HB 2353(Dead) |
Residential targeted areas |
Promoting affordable housing in unincorporated areas within urban growth areas of counties. |
H Housing |
Nance |
Monitoring |
HB 2360(Dead) |
Digital workforce |
Creates the Washington Digital Empowerment and Workforce Inclusion Act to support Washingtonians in achieving verifiable levels of digital literacy and accessing information technology and information technologyâenabled careers. |
H Approps |
Slatter |
High |
Support |
ESHB 2361(Dead) (SB 6258) |
Standardized health plans |
Phasing in the requirement that only standardized health plans may be offered on the health benefit exchange. |
H Rules 3C |
Riccelli |
Medium |
Concerns |
HB 2376(Dead) |
CCA public entity oblig. |
Concerning the regulatory obligations of certain public entities, including municipal gas utilities, under the climate commitment act. |
H Env & Energy |
Robertson |
Monitoring |
HB 2378(Dead) |
Health care facility fees |
Concerning facility fees charged by certain affiliated health care providers. |
H HC/Wellness |
Tharinger |
Medium |
HB 2380(Dead) (SB 6082) |
Paraeducator compensation |
Increasing compensation for Washington paraeducators. |
H Approps |
Shavers |
Monitoring |
SHB 2390(Dead) (SB 6200) |
Eluding & resisting arrest |
Concerning penalties related to eluding police vehicles and resisting arrest. |
H Approps |
Shavers |
Monitoring |
HB 2406(Dead) (SB 6289) |
16&17 y/o employ. work group |
Establishing a work group to assess the restrictions on the employment of 16 and 17 year olds. |
H Labor & Workpl |
Connors |
Medium |
Support |
HB 2418(Dead) (SB 6250) |
Working families/prop. tax |
Increasing the working families' tax credit to reflect the economic burden of property taxes incorporated into rental amounts charged to residential tenants. |
H Finance |
Berg |
High |
HB 2419(Dead) |
Homeowner property tax ex. |
Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the homeowner relief property tax exemption. |
H Finance |
Berg |
Monitoring |
HB 2420(Dead) |
Law enforcement training |
Concerning law enforcement training. |
H Community Safe |
Donaghy |
High |
HB 2425(Dead) |
Rental support program |
Enacting the home affordability sustainment act, a rental support program. |
H Housing |
Rule |
Monitoring |
HB 2430(Dead) |
Business licensing fees |
Waiving business licensing handling and delinquency fees for eligible businesses. |
H Rules X |
Springer |
Monitoring |
HB 2436(Dead) |
Local sales and use tax |
Creating a local sales and use tax. |
H Local Govt |
Corry |
Medium |
SHB 2437(Dead) |
Retirement savings |
Incentivizing retirement savings options for Washington businesses and their employees. |
H Approps |
Santos |
Medium |
HB 2439(Dead) |
Personal income taxes |
Concerning personal income. |
H Finance |
Volz |
Medium |
Support |
HB 2443(Dead) (SSB 6053) |
Education data sharing |
Improving equitable access to postsecondary education. |
H Postsec Ed & W |
Nance |
Medium |
HB 2448(Dead) |
Public school grant assist. |
Expanding grant access opportunities for public schools. |
H Approps |
Mosbrucker |
Medium |
HB 2450(Dead) (SB 6285) |
Use of impact fees |
Ensuring the timely and balanced use of impact fees. |
H Local Govt |
Hutchins |
Monitoring |
HB 2451(Dead) (SB 6284) |
Impact fees |
Increasing the consistency and transparency of impact fees. |
H Local Govt |
Hutchins |
Monitoring |
HB 2452(Dead) |
Manuf housing/building codes |
Addressing the impacts of certain codes on manufactured housing inventory. |
H Rules X |
Barkis |
Monitoring |
HB 2453(Dead) |
Housing gap voucher program |
Creating a housing gap voucher program. |
H Housing |
Hutchins |
Monitoring |
SHB 2458(Dead) |
K-12 experience factors |
Making experience factor adjustments for certificated instructional staff. |
H Rules X |
Rule |
Monitoring |
HB 2460(Dead) |
Tenants/eviction after sale |
Concerning evictions of residential tenants after a property owner elects to sell a unit or apartment in a common interest community. |
H Housing |
Connors |
Monitoring |
SHB 2465(Dead) (ESSB 6291) |
State building code council |
Streamlining the state building code council operating procedures by establishing criteria for statewide amendments to the state building code. |
H Rules X |
Ramel |
Medium |
HB 2497(Dead) |
Ferries 75 work group |
Creating the Washington state ferries 75 work group. |
H Transportation |
Nance |
Medium |
HB 2498(Dead) |
Ferry system emergency decl. |
Declaring the ferry system to be in a state of emergency to authorize expedient actions. |
H Transportation |
Barkis |
Medium |
HJR 4206(Dead) |
Personal property taxation |
Concerning the taxation of personal property. |
H Rules X |
Leavitt |
High |
Support |
2SSB 5091(Dead) |
Hydrogen fuel products |
Creating and expanding tax incentives for the research, development, production, and sale of hydrogen fuel cells in Washington state. |
S Business, Fin S |
King |
Monitoring |
SSB 5110(Dead) |
Labor practices/penalties |
Adding penalties for certain prohibited practices in chapter 49.44 RCW. |
S Rules X |
Keiser |
High |
Oppose |
SSB 5118(Dead) |
Multifamily property tax ex. |
Concerning modifying the multifamily property tax exemption to promote development of long-term affordable housing. |
S Ways & Means |
Kuderer |
Monitoring |
SB 5160(Dead) |
Organized retail theft |
Concerning organized retail theft. |
S Rules 3 |
Torres |
High |
Support |
SSB 5162(Dead) (EHB 1125) |
Transportation budget |
Making transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium. |
S Rules X |
Liias |
High |
Concerns |
SSB 5171(Dead) (HB 1152) |
Consumer products/gender |
Addressing consumer gender discrimination. |
S Rules X |
Dhingra |
Medium |
Concerns |
SSB 5235(Dead) (HB 1276) |
Accessory dwelling units |
Concerning accessory dwelling units. |
S Rules X |
Shewmake |
Medium |
Support |
SB 5240(Dead) (HB 1656) |
Unemployment ins. appeals |
Concerning unemployment insurance benefits appeal procedures. |
S Rules X |
Braun |
Medium |
Support |
ESB 5241(Dead) (HB 1263) |
Health care marketplace |
Concerning material changes to the operations and governance structure of participants in the health care marketplace. |
S Rules 3 |
Randall |
Monitoring |
SB 5292(Dead) (HB 1334) |
PTBA aquatic lands access |
Addressing the access of certain aquatic lands by a public transportation benefit area. |
S Rules X |
Randall |
Monitoring |
SSB 5303(Dead) |
Public works trust account |
Creating the public works assistance revolving account. |
S Rules X |
Mullet |
Monitoring |
E2SSB 5311 (Dead) (HB 1211) |
Special education funding |
Concerning special education funding formula. |
S Rules X |
Wellman |
Monitoring |
ESSB 5334(Dead) |
Affordable housing funding |
Providing a local government option for the funding of essential affordable housing programs. |
S Rules 3 |
Lovelett |
Monitoring |
ESB 5344(Dead) |
School modernization loans |
Establishing a public school revolving fund. |
S Rules 3 |
Schoesler |
Monitoring |
ESSB 5368(Dead) |
Stay-at-work program |
Expanding access to the workers' compensation stay-at-work program through off-site light duty return to work opportunities. |
S Rules 3 |
Keiser |
High |
Support |
SB 5373(Dead) (HB 1495) |
ARNP, PA, & MD reimbursement |
Requiring equal reimbursement for advanced registered nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and physicians. |
S Ways & Means |
Randall |
Monitoring |
ESSB 5466(Dead) (HB 1517) |
Transit-oriented development |
Promoting transit-oriented development. |
S Rules X |
Liias |
High |
SB 5472(Dead) |
Hard-to-place job seekers |
Providing incentives to employers to hire certain hard-to-place job seekers. |
S Labor & Comm |
Gildon |
Monitoring |
SSB 5494(Dead) (2ESHB 1371) |
Freight railroad infra. |
Providing incentives to improve freight railroad infrastructure. |
S Ways & Means |
Wilson |
Medium |
SSB 5570(Dead) |
Energy efficiency loans |
Authorizing electric utilities to establish energy efficiency revolving loan programs. |
S Ways & Means |
Lovelett |
Monitoring |
ESSB 5657(Dead) |
Kit home permitting |
Concerning city and town permitting of kit homes. |
S Rules 3 |
Wilson |
Monitoring |
SSB 5723(Dead) (HB 1882) |
Even-numbered year elections |
Giving cities and towns the freedom to switch their general elections to even-numbered years. |
S Rules X |
Valdez |
Monitoring |
2SSB 5736(Dead) |
Workforce shortages |
Addressing high demand workforce shortages. |
S Rules X |
Nobles |
High |
SSB 5743(Dead) |
Transportation resources |
Making certain nonsubstantive, corrective changes resulting from enactment of chapter 182, Laws of 2022 (transportation resources). |
S Rules X |
Liias |
Monitoring |
SB 5763(Dead) |
Connecting WA bonds |
Increasing existing bond authority for 2015 connecting Washington projects and improvements. |
S Transportation |
Liias |
High |
Neutral |
SSB 5770(Dead) |
Property tax |
Providing state and local property tax reform. |
S Rules X |
Pedersen |
High |
Oppose |
SB 5777(Dead) (ESHB 1893) |
Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts |
Concerning unemployment insurance benefits for striking or lockout workers. |
S Rules X |
Keiser |
High |
Oppose |
SB 5807(Dead) (HB 1890) |
Housing authorities |
Concerning housing authorities. |
S Rules X |
Frame |
Monitoring |
SSB 5809(Dead) (HB 1897) |
Charter schools/enrichment |
Concerning enrichment funding for charter public schools. |
S Ways & Means |
Mullet |
Medium |
Support |
SSB 5815(Dead) |
Physician assistant compact |
Adopting the physician assistant compact. |
S Rules 3 |
Muzzall |
Medium |
Support |
SB 5819(Dead) (SHB 1915) |
Financial education |
Making financial education instruction a graduation prerequisite and a required component of public education. |
S EL/K-12 |
Valdez |
High |
Support |
SB 5826(Dead) |
Utility bills/CCA charges |
Requiring customer charges to be listed on utility billing statements if the charges are a result of implementing the Washington climate commitment act. |
S Environment, E |
MacEwen |
Monitoring |
SSB 5835(Dead) |
Rule making websites |
Concerning transparency in rule making. |
S Rules 3 |
Wilson |
Monitoring |
SB 5839(Dead) (HB 1895) |
Working families' tax credit |
Modifying the working families' tax credit by clarifying the refundable nature of the credit, the application requirements, and the eligibility verification process. |
S Ways & Means |
Nguyen |
Medium |
SB 5875(Dead) |
Energy code/residential |
Balancing energy efficiency with consideration of other factors such as housing affordability, development costs, and feasibility in the state energy code for residential structures. |
S Environment, En |
Fortunato |
Monitoring |
SSB 5894(Dead) (SHB 1905) |
Equal pay/protected classes |
Including protected classes in the Washington equal pay and opportunities act. |
S Rules X |
Nobles |
Medium |
Concerns |
SB 5932(Dead) (HB 1927) |
Temporary total disability |
Reducing the number of days that a worker's temporary total disability must continue to receive industrial insurance compensation for the day of an injury and the three-day period following the injury. |
S Labor & Comm |
Stanford |
Medium |
Oppose |
SB 5941(Dead) (HB 2111) |
Subsidized child care |
Clarifying requirements for subsidized child care. |
S Rules X |
Wilson |
Monitoring |
SSB 5947(Dead) (ESHB 2134) |
Transportation budget, supp. |
Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium. |
S Rules 2 |
Liias |
Monitoring |
SB 5948(Dead) (HB 2066) |
Health provider contracting |
Addressing affordability through health care provider contracting. |
S Health & Long T |
Robinson |
Monitoring |
SB 5958(Dead) |
Career skills grant program |
Establishing the Washington career skills grant program. |
S Higher Ed & Wo |
Boehnke |
High |
Support |
SB 5961(Dead) (ESHB 2114) |
Residential tenants |
Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement. |
S Housing |
Trudeau |
Monitoring |
ESSB 5968(Dead) (SHB 2081) |
Home equity sharing |
Regulating home equity sharing agreements under the consumer loan act. |
S Rules 3 |
Stanford |
Monitoring |
SB 5975(Dead) |
Social housing |
Authorizing use of the housing trust fund and other legislative appropriations to finance social housing. |
S Housing |
Hasegawa |
Monitoring |
SB 5987(Dead) |
Gift certificates |
Improving consumer protection on gift certificates. |
S Business, Fin S |
Trudeau |
High |
Oppose |
SB 5990(Dead) (SHB 2070) |
Env. justice/SEPA projects |
Integrating environmental justice considerations into certain project decisions. |
S Environment, E |
Lovelett |
Monitoring |
SB 5991(Dead) (HB 2168) |
Industrial insurance/duties |
Concerning the duties of industrial insurance self-insured employers and third-party administrators. |
S Labor & Comm |
Lovelett |
Medium |
Concerns |
SB 6014(Dead) (SHB 2180) |
Special education cap |
Increasing the special education enrollment funding cap. |
S Ways & Means |
Wellman |
Medium |
SB 6028(Dead) (HB 1975) |
Unemployment overpayments |
Relieving individuals from paying interest on certain unemployment insurance overpayment assessments. |
S Rules 3 |
Braun |
Medium |
Concerns |
SSB 6029(Dead) |
Detached ADUs |
Establishing limitations on detached accessory dwelling units outside urban growth areas. |
S Rules X |
Braun |
Monitoring |
SB 6030(Dead) |
ADU tax exemptions |
Amending the county population threshold for counties that may exempt from taxation the value of accessory dwelling units to incentivize rental to low-income households. |
S Rules 3 |
Braun |
Monitoring |
SB 6050(Dead) (2SHB 1929) |
Postinpatient housing |
Supporting young adults following inpatient behavioral health treatment. |
S Human Services |
Dhingra |
Medium |
Support |
SB 6054(Dead) |
Definition of theft |
Concerning the definition of theft. |
S Law & Justice |
Torres |
Monitoring |
Support |
ESSB 6061(Dead) |
Housing development/SEPA |
Concerning exemptions for housing development under the state environmental policy act. |
S Rules 3 |
Lovelett |
Monitoring |
SB 6065(Dead) |
Housing/property tax ex. |
Concerning the property tax exemption for cities or counties providing affordable housing to qualifying households. |
S Housing |
Saldana |
Monitoring |
SB 6076(Dead) (HB 2211) |
Criminal justice local tax |
Granting local taxing authority to fund criminal justice. |
S Ways & Means |
Keiser |
Monitoring |
SB 6082(Dead) (HB 2380) |
Paraeducator compensation |
Increasing compensation for Washington paraeducators. |
S EL/K-12 |
Nobles |
Monitoring |
SSB 6136(Dead) |
Rental property B&O tax |
Reestablishing a business and occupation tax on the privilege of providing property for rent and supporting access to affordable rental property by exempting from tax landlords participating in a rent stabilization program. |
S Ways & Means |
Kuderer |
High |
Oppose |
SB 6137(Dead) (ESHB 2482) |
Semiconductor tax incentives |
Reinstating semiconductor tax incentives. |
S Ways & Means |
Cleveland |
High |
Support |
SSB 6150(Dead) (SHB 2296) |
Comprehensive plan revisions |
Extending the comprehensive plan revision schedule for select local governments. |
S Rules 3 |
Cleveland |
Monitoring |
SSB 6152(Dead) |
Housing needs gap |
Requiring certain counties to measure the gap between estimated existing housing units and existing housing needs. |
S Ways & Means |
Cleveland |
Monitoring |
SB 6177(Dead) (SHB 2102) |
PFML benefits/health info. |
Establishing requirements for the disclosure of health care information for qualifying persons to receive paid family and medical leave benefits. |
S Health & Long |
Stanford |
Medium |
Support |
SB 6191(Dead) (SHB 2276) |
Housing/taxes |
Increases the portion of the selling price subject to the state real estate excise tax (REET) rate of 1.1 percent from $525,000 to $750,000. Imposes a new real estate transfer tax (RETT) of 1 percent on the portion of the real estate selling price above $3.025 million. Also changes how monies is distributed. |
S Ways & Means |
Frame |
Medium |
Oppose |
SB 6199(Dead) |
Housing authority notices |
Requiring housing authorities to use notification methods designed to provide evidence of delivery. |
S Housing |
Dozier |
Monitoring |
SB 6200(Dead) (SHB 2390) |
Eluding & resisting arrest |
Concerning penalties related to eluding police vehicles and resisting arrest. |
S Law & Justice |
Lovick |
Monitoring |
SB 6211(Dead) |
Mobile home rent increases |
Creating clarity and consistency in rental agreements under the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act. |
S Rules X |
McCune |
Monitoring |
SB 6212(Dead) (HB 2323) |
Rent payments/credit reports |
Requiring landlords to report on-time rent payments to consumer reporting agencies. |
S Rules X |
Shewmake |
Monitoring |
SB 6217(Dead) |
Retail robberies |
Deterring robberies from retail establishments. |
S Law & Justice |
McCune |
High |
Support |
SSB 6220(Dead) (2SHB 2320) |
High THC cannabis products |
Concerning high THC cannabis products. |
S Ways & Means |
Salomon |
Monitoring |
SB 6230(Dead) (E2SHB 2354) |
Tax increment areas |
Creating an option for impacted taxing districts to provide a portion of their new revenue to support any tax increment area proposed within their jurisdiction. |
S Loc Gov, Land |
Rivers |
Monitoring |
SB 6233(Dead) |
Energy code amendments |
Concerning substantive amendments to the state energy code for nonresidential buildings. |
S Environment, E |
Wilson |
High |
Support |
SB 6235(Dead) |
Criminal justice assistance |
Concerning the city and county criminal justice assistance accounts. |
S Ways & Means |
Wilson |
High |
Support |
SB 6241(Dead) (HB 2349) |
Job posting wage disclosures |
Strengthening pay transparency requirements. |
S Labor & Comm |
Randall |
High |
Support |
SB 6243(Dead) |
Technology manuf./B&O tax |
Providing a state business and occupation tax exemption to encourage clean technology manufacturing in Washington. |
S Business, Fin |
Mullet |
Monitoring |
SB 6248(Dead) (HB 2278) |
Capital gains tax |
Modifying the capital gains tax under chapter 82.87 RCW and related statutes by closing loopholes, repealing and replacing the business and occupation tax credit with a capital gains tax credit, clarifying ambiguities and making technical corrections in a manner that is not estimated to affect state or local tax collections, treating spouses and domestic partners more consistently, modifying and adding definitions, creating a good faith penalty waiver, and modifying the publication schedule for inflation adjustments. |
S Ways & Means |
Robinson |
Monitoring |
SB 6249(Dead) |
Homeowner property tax ex. |
Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the homeowner relief property tax exemption. |
S Ways & Means |
Robinson |
Medium |
Oppose |
SB 6250(Dead) (HB 2418) |
Working families/prop. tax |
Increasing the working families' tax credit to reflect the economic burden of property taxes incorporated into rental amounts charged to residential tenants. |
S Ways & Means |
Robinson |
Monitoring |
SB 6253(Dead) |
Learning assistance program |
Increasing funding for the learning assistance program. |
S EL/K-12 |
Nobles |
Monitoring |
SSB 6254(Dead) |
Student navigational support |
Providing student navigational supports to increase postsecondary enrollment. |
S Ways & Means |
Nobles |
Monitoring |
SB 6260(Dead) (HB 2074) |
Landowner's lessee/penalties |
Limiting the application of certain civil penalties to protect landowners from incurring penalties based on the actions of the landowner's lessee. |
S Ag/Water/Natura |
Warnick |
Monitoring |
SSB 6277(Dead) |
Transportation partnerships |
Creating a new statutory framework for the use of public-private partnerships for transportation projects. |
S Rules 3 |
Liias |
High |
SB 6289(Dead) (HB 2406) |
16&17 y/o employ. work group |
Establishing a work group to assess the restrictions on the employment of 16 and 17 year olds. |
S Labor & Comm |
Boehnke |
High |
Support |
SSB 6299(Dead) |
Employees/digital technology |
Protecting employee rights in the workplace with regards to the use of digital technology. |
S Rules X |
Stanford |
Medium |
SSB 6300(Dead) (2SHB 2214) |
College grant/public assist. |
Permitting beneficiaries of public assistance programs to automatically qualify as income-eligible for the purpose of receiving the Washington college grant. |
S Ways & Means |
Randall |
Medium |
Support |
SSB 6302(Dead) |
Supply chain competitiveness |
Creating a Washington state supply chain competitiveness infrastructure program. |
S Rules 3 |
Liias |
Medium |
SSB 6304(Dead) |
Transp. electrification |
Implementing certain recommendations of the transportation electrification strategy. |
S Rules X |
Liias |
High |
Oppose |
SB 6311(Dead) |
Pension returns/transp. |
Using savings that are the result of extraordinary investment returns in the stateâs pension systems to fund transportation projects. |
S Ways & Means |
Mullet |
Medium |