New City Program
We are building a program that requires existing businesses and all publicly owned sites in Auburn, to take measures to stop water pollution. When contaminated runoff enters the stormwater system, it is carried to local waters.
This program is a requirement of the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit that is issued to the City by the Department of Ecology.
Marking your storm drains is a BMP.
Best Management Practices
Best Management Practices (BMPs) are activities, maintenance procedures, or structural/managerial practices that prevent or reduce the release of pollutants from business activities.
Examples of businesses that will be required to adopt BMPs include, but are not limited to:
• Automotive bodywork and repair
• Hardware and garden supply stores
• Gas stations
• Food service establishments
• Grocery stores
• Businesses with fleet vehicles
Site inspections will begin in 2023 and be prioritized by site activities and risks to local water ways.
For more information see the City of Auburn Storm Drainage Utility Business Inspection web page